Student admission requirements are determined by Texas state law, the Texas Education Agency, and Grapevine-Colleyville ISD. Before enrolling, review the following admission requirements carefully to determine whether your student(s) is eligible to participate in iUniversity Prep.
Grades Serviced
iUniversity Prep serves students in the fifth through the twelfth grade.
Admissions Criteria
Prior academic success
Demonstrated on final report card or transcript
On grade level (at age-appropriate grade level or sufficient credits to graduate in four years)
Passed previous STAAR exams (Receiving “approaching”, “meets” or “masters" score)
For students in fifth through eighth grade: submit passing 2025 STAAR scores.
For students in high school courses through twelfth-grade: Submit passing scores for the requisite 2025 EOCs to date and on track to graduate in four years.
Student in good standing with attendance and discipline (Attendance of 90% of school days or above as shown on transcript or report card. Students with an incomplete disciplinary placement are not eligible to enroll.)
Enrolled in a Texas Public school during the preceding school year. A student is eligible to enroll if the student:
Was enrolled in a public school in this state in the preceding school year;
Has been placed in substitute care in Texas, regardless of whether the student was enrolled in a public school in this state in the preceding school year; or
Is a dependent of a member of the United States military, was previously enrolled in high school in this state; and no longer resides in this state as a result of a military deployment or transfer.
Texas resident -- You must reside within the state of Texas and provide acceptable proof of residency to be eligible for enrollment.
Gas, electric, or water bill from the last 60 days that includes your name and service address
Mortgage statement from the last 60 days or annual lease agreement
Proof of Age: A copy of the student's official birth certificate must be provided to verify age eligibility.
A copy of the enrolling parent/guardian's government-issued photo identification card which includes the parent/guardian's name, date of birth, and current address (e.g. driver's license, state ID) must be submitted along with enrollment documents.
Other Documentation Required Following Admissions
You will need to provide additional documentation if any of the following circumstances apply, prior to the enrollment conference:
If you are requesting enrollment in a course that is ahead of your student's age-based grade level or you are requesting placement in an Advanced course, an Academic Services Counselor will contact you to request a report card, Prior Academic History Form, and/or state test scores.
Student services documentation: For appropriate placement and transfer scheduling, additional documents may be needed for any services your student has received in the past, including but not limited to: 504, IEP, ELL, Gifted and Talented, etc.
Custody order: If your legal guardianship is determined by a court order, please submit a copy of the order.
Documents and Tools Required Prior to the Start of School
All Texas students must show acceptable evidence of vaccination prior to entry, attendance, or transfer to a public or private elementary or secondary school in Texas.
Texas law allows for an exemption from immunizations for reasons of conscience, including a religious belief. To claim an exemption due to reasons of conscience, a student's parent or legal guardian must request, sign, and submit an official DSHS affidavit form to the child's school. The affidavit is valid for two years.
For more information, click here.
Required Technology:
Possess all required technology: computer, mic with headset, and webcam to actively engage in online learning.
Science Kits
Kits are ordered through iUniversity Prep for students enrolled in grades 5-8, Biology, and Chemistry.
Enrolled iUniversity Prep students must maintain eligibility requirements each year to re-enroll.
Questions? Please call 817-305-4895 or email for more information.