Academic Honest & Integrity
Grapevine-Colleyville ISD and the staff of iUniversity Prep wish to be on record as opposing all cheating, plagiarism, and dishonesty. To support this policy, certain safeguards are in place for elections and for academic security. However, for such a policy to be meaningful, the support of all students and parents is required.
1. Cheating – Any intentional giving/discussing/using of external assistance relating to an examination, test or quiz, without express permission of the teacher. Any and all use of translators and AI programs or generators to compose or alter writing or other creative work is strictly prohibited.
2. Fabrication – Any intentional falsification or invention of data, citation, or other authority in an academic exercise.
3. Unauthorized collaboration – Intentional collaboration of an assignment between a student and other person, if such collaboration is not permitted.
4. Plagiarism – Any intentional use of another’s ideas, words or work as one’s own. Plagiarism includes the misuse of published/copyrighted material, whether written or visual, and/or the work of the other students.
5. Theft or alteration of materials – Any intentional or unauthorized taking, concealment, or alterations of student, teacher, office or library materials.
6. Pattern of test avoidance – A pattern of absences for tests or major assignment due dates for the apparent advantage of performing better at a later date or for gaining extra work or study time.
7. Pressure for unsubstantiated grade changes – Any student request for a raised grade that is not based on mistakes in correction, recording, averaging, or other clerical error.
8. Abusive conduct with computers and the network – Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, prohibited use, damage or theft of system hardware or software; the altering of any system software or software configurations; placing unlawful information, computer viruses or harmful programs on any computer; and pirating copyrighted software.
9. Prohibited Use: Transmission of any material in violation of any federal or state law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to distribution of:
a. Information that violates or infringes upon the rights of any other person.
b. Defamatory, inappropriate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive, or illegal material.
c. Advertisement, solicitations, or political lobbying
d. Information that encourages the use of controlled substances or the use of the system for the purpose of inciting crime.
Warning: Inappropriate use may result in the cancellation of network privileges and the learning management system. The site administrator and district security administrator may close the account at any time deemed necessary. Depending upon the seriousness of the offense, any combination for the following will be enforced. Education Code, district procedure, school discipline policy and network use guidelines.
10. Unauthorized electronic entry – Any entry without permission. Any access, downloading and/or printing of materials that would be considered by any staff member to be pornographic, unlawful, obscene, or otherwise objectionable.
All students will have due process in handling in the infraction listed in this policy.